• Shraman Arogyam is a TRUST and a pious project of JITO.
  • It was incorporated on 17th November 2009 registered under the Indian Trust Act, 1882.


We all have nurtured this vision to ensure utmost well-being of our revered “Sadhu & Sadhvi” Bhagwants and we know with conviction that “Shraman Arogyam Trust” is the answer.


Objective is to provide medical care called “Vaiyavachh” to all Sadhus & Sadhvi Bhagwant of all the sects.




सद्गुरु शरणं ममः


पूज्य साधु-साध्वीजी भगवंत जीवनभर निस्वार्थ और निर्मल जीवन जीते है। ये अपने जीvवन में किसी तरह का पाप स्वयं नहीं करते हैं और न ही कराते हैं और न करने को अच्छा मानते है। इसीलिये निष्पाप जीवन जीने के लिये साधु बनना ही योग्य एवं श्रेष्ठ है। यदि हम संयम ग्रहण नहीं कर सकते हैं, तो कम-से-कम साधु-साध्वीजी भगवंत की वैयावच्च करके चरित्र मोहनीय कर्म का सुंदर क्षयोपशम के माध्यम से भविष्य में चरित्र धर्म की प्राप्ति हो सकती है। क्योंकि चरित्र धर्म की प्राप्ति बिना मोक्ष पद प्राप्त नहीं हो सकता है।

परमात्मा ने दूसरे धर्मों का फल प्रतिपाति बताया है। पर वैयावच्च का फल अप्रतिपाति बताया है। अर्थात्‌ वैयावच्च द्वारा जो पुण्य बँध होता है अथवा कर्म निर्जरा होती है, वह अप्रतिपाति यानि निष्फल नहीं जाने सुफल की प्राप्ति होती है।

परमात्मा ने यहाँ तक कहा है कि -
‘जो गिलाणं पडिसेवइ सो मां पडिसेवइ।’
जो ग्लान की सेवा करता है,
वह मेरी सेवा करता है।

सार संक्षेप है कि गुरु भगवंतों की सेवाभक्ति वैयावच्च करने से अभूतपूर्व, अनुपम, अद्वितीय व अलौकिक पुण्य की प्राप्ति होकर घाति कर्मों का क्षय होता है और आत्मा तीर्थंकर नाम कर्म का बँध करता है।

पंचिंदिय सूत्र

तह नवविह-बंभचेर-गुत्ति-धरो;
इअ अट्ठारस गुणेहिं संजुत्तो ।।1।।

पंच विहायार-पालण-समत्थो;
पंच-समिओ ति-गुत्तो,
छत्तीस गुणो गुरु मज्झ ।।2।।


That is, the one who serves the sad, the sick Sadhus and Sadhvijis serves me. “Services for Sadhu-Sadhviji” is called as Vaiyavachcha in classical Jain Language. By doing Vaiyavachcha Samyag Darshan becomes clear.

Kshayopasham increases of Gyan and Charitra Mohaniya Karmas destroys. If someone offers good treatment and medicine for the Sadhu-Sadhviji, he may reduce the endless Karmas and may be able to attain Teerthankar Pad. Sadhu- Sadhviji constantly co-ordinate the prefixes and theses to uplift the soul, spiritualityand spiritual life. It is a great opportunity for every person’s life to make such a service to the great saints. Meaning of Vaiyavachcha is worship of Ratnatryi, which is the highway to make life successful. So the scriptures say that :

वैयावच्चं गुणधारणं नमो नमः - I bow the person who bears the virtues of Vaiyavachch and fulfils it in his life.
A service to the Sadhu-Sadhviji is a good charitable donation. It also leads to loss of beneficial and donated deeds. From their visits only the darshanavaraniya karmas destroys and if these monks cared and serviced the shatavedaniya karmas increases. Best Samadhi is attained. For many such good benefits centuries, many charitable Shravakas-Shravika Jain Sanghs and many organizations are doing Vaiyavachch.

The management of the good health and caring of their essential necessities for surviving and nurturing of all Jain Monks (Sadhus, Sadhviji) can be done very well by organizing the medicines, surgical operations etc. with auspicious feelings by collecting funds from the society and also collecting interest from it, With the help of doctors and hospitals in the area of importance, Sadhu- Sadhviji can get better facilities for a long time.

With the help of the local organizations and institutions in the good cause of this service, they have a sense of great beauty, with the help of appropriate help. Your cooperation is expected for its financial fund in the below plan.